Listen to our album Till skogen!
It is finally here - The day when we can present our new full-length album TILL SKOGEN.
It's been a ride, joy and a waaay longer journey than first expected due to the pandemic. But now we're here, and we're more proud of this album than anything before. Hope you'll like as much as we loved making it!
Listen to the album here
We have so many people to THANK for this album. Here's a list. They are all magically fantastic and wonderful. We love you and thank you.
Petter Eriksson - for producing and mixing this gem. You are a true magician. Jacob Edgar and Cumbancha - for making this project possible, thanks for believing in us. Supertraditional - soo wonderful be a part of the family! Johan Asplund - Once again you made the tracks lift. Olof Grind Photography - Thanks for yet again taking our photos and making us look better than we really do. Karin Lindroth - You really captured our vision with your artwork and design. We are so happy and impressed. Dan Helgesen - Hammond organ. You swept in and poured the your musical genius on the tracks and filled all the missing pieces. Wow. Much gratitude and respect. Ale Möller - Thanks for mentoring and supporting us. Not only for this album but throughput the years. And thanks for all five instruments you added on the record. Jens Möller - You put together the most perfect website we could ever hope for. And you’re our brother and cousin. We are so lucky! Anna Malmström - Invaluable support and out-of-this-world clarinet. Your ideas and playing elevated us. Cecilia Moore - Thanks for Saxophone on track 13. It was lost, but now it's found. Yakumbé - You provided the most epic base for track 9 and 10. Thanks for the power and energy! Mohave - The best film team ever. It’s been a blessing to work with you all again! The Family Choir - The biggest love bomb to our siblings, spouses, children and parents. Not only did you support us in the most beautiful way through the process - you also sang with passion and precision on the album. We couldn't have done any of this without you all.
And of course, most of all: All of you dear listeners and music lovers who make is possible for us to continue this journey together! We love you to the moon and back!
Photo: Olof Grind
Alla Andra is here! Our last singel and video before we launch our full album on April 22nd.
Listen & Watch here
A song that at a first glance comes a cross as very happy but once you read the lyrics there is also a deeper layer, a story of the struggle with fatigue and a longing for community. We filmed a video with our friends at Mohave media again, this one took only two hours, a new record for us and we really like the look of it. Hope you like it too.
We have also just finished a mini-tour with three concerts in Sweden. Indescribable feeling to be out on the road again playing our new songs for you all. Have a look at our upcoming shows in April too. All our release dates will be official soon, USA, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Germany and Norway.
“Till Skogen” OUT NOW
Today we release our 4th singel from the upcoming album “Till Skogen” - Read about here it and have a listen!
Today, January 28th we release our title track from our upcoming album “Till Skogen” (To the Forest)
“The song is based on my frustration over how clearly research shows where we are headed and how contradictory our leaders are acting. Forests are literally burning around the world but no one seems to want to see it. The song came about in the year 2020, which was the warmest so far measured. " // Mischa
The natural forest has always been intertwined with our lives and creativity, being the playground when we grew up, the place to recharge and the political awareness that rose when we grew older and saw how the forest is treated in this time and age.
With this release we also start our campaign to give away 10% of all the income from the album to the Swedish non-profit organisation Skydda Skogen (Save the forest). You can also support their important work here
I rainy autumn day we gathered in Malmö to shot a beautiful video with our dear friends at Mohave Media that we have been working with for many years now. We completely surrendered to their creative ideas and could not be more satisfied with the result. Thank you Marcus & Peter and all of you at Mohave for putting so much effort and love into this video.
Hope you enjoy this!
We could not resist to release another new song and video just before the holidays - Enjoy it here
We could not resist to release another new song and video just before the holidays. This song we named “Farfars Jord” (Grandfathers land) and dedicate it to our grandfather who passed away spring 2020.
The video is recorded live at Futurum in Järna, our home town. Hope you like it!
Video by: Petter Berndalen
Listen to the studio version here
Recorded at Studio Epidemin
Mixed and production by Petter Eriksson
Photo Olof Grind
The second single from our upcoming album “Till Skogen” is out everywhere
Listen and watch here:
“Morgondag” (Tomorrow) addresses those moments of change, breaking points when there is a transition from darkness to light, which can apply to everything from personal change to political and environmental revolution. There is something magical about the very moment of change, the shift, the breaking point, the minutes just before dawn. This is the limbo between darkness and light, being lost and having a purpose. In Swedish, we say ‘Genom natten gryr det en ny dag’ which translates as ‘Through the night a new day is borne.’ The moment when both darkness and light co-exists, is captured in the music video, which attempts to visually represent the feeling of when you reach the top of the hill, let go and suddenly can breathe again.
The video was shot early morning and late evening in the woods outside Sunne, Sweden by our dear friends from Mohave media and with Brinde Karlsvärd acting. What you can’t tell from the video is how we almost drowned to get a 1 second frame of the four of us in the water with our clothes on, how we where eaten by crazy numbers of mosquitos in the birch forest and how we could almost move our fingers due to the cold.
Hope you like it!
Love from // Erik, Anna, Arvid & Mischa
Six years since our latest release it is finally time for us to share our new music with you. First out is “Time Will Tell” that we release June 24th. The song started as a folk-melody by Arvid but brought to the band it transformed with a desert blues inspired groove, vocal melodies and lyrics. We are super excited to finally share this with you all.
It’s happening!
Six years since our latest release it is finally time for us to share our new music with you. First out is “Time Will Tell” that we release June 24th. The song started as a folk-melody by Arvid but brought to the band it transformed with a desert blues inspired groove, vocal melodies and lyrics. We are super excited to finally share this with you all. °
Pre save the song here
We are also happy to share with you the great news of our new signing with the Vermont (USA) based label Cumbancha and Jacob Edgar. We met Jacob when doing a living room concert in Vermont that just happened to be close to his home and studio. We spent a few days together visiting his studio, playing at open mic night in Burlington, VT and going through the great Putomayo music collection that he has been working with for many years.
Jacob work with some of our favorite musicians and artist such as Bombino, Habib Koité, Lakou Mizik and many more so we are really honored to release our music in their company and to have his trust, support and expertise in this process.
You can watch a video trailer here
As if that was not enough, we will also work with the new label Supertraditional exclusively for our Scandinavian release, Supertraditional was started a few years back by Anna and her friends out of a frustration about the current lack of folk music labels in Sweden. If feels great work with close friends and other musicians and help each other out in the often harsh music business.
Welcome to our new home
After countless days, weeks, months, even years of looking inwards, reshaping and rediscovering ourselves, writing new music, talking and contemplating about what this band is to us and why we are doing what we are doing: we have finally arrived at the moment when we start a new new chapter by charing this with you. First out is our new website.
After countless days, weeks, months, even years of looking inwards, reshaping and rediscovering ourselves, writing new music, talking and contemplating about what this band is to us and why we are doing what we are doing: we have finally arrived at the moment when we start a new new chapter by charing this with you. First out is our new website. It is made by Annas brother Jens, with pictures by Mischas cousin Olof Grind and with it we want to invite you to come closer and get to know us better.
The video you see on the fornt page is a video of the place we grew up, and hiding behind the trees there is our studio where we wrote and recorded the demo version of our upcoming album.
Hopefully you will find all the information you are looking for and more here and as you can see, there are many ways for you to get involved even more and support our work. Enjoy the tour!
/ Erik, Anna Arvid and Mischa
music in the making
We are trying to make the most out of this strange state of the world.
We have locked ourselves up in our small studio cabin in the woods outside Järna, Sweden. The weather is getting colder and we are enjoying our creative bubble finishing writing the music to our new album. Right now a lot of focus on the song lyrics.
Having more time at home and with our families have been a silver lining when our touring has been put to a halt. We sure do miss the live on the road, the exciting experience of the present that overwhelms you in a live performance, the connection and interaction with the audience, meeting all the people who work so hard to create and give back to their communities by organising live events.
We are trying to make the most out of this strange state of the world.
We have locked ourselves up in our small studio cabin in the woods outside Järna, Sweden. The weather is getting colder and we are enjoying our creative bubble finishing writing the music to our new album. Right now a lot of focus on the song lyrics.
Having more time at home and with our families have been a silver lining when our touring has been put to a halt. We sure do miss the live on the road, the exciting experience of the present that overwhelms you in a live performance, the connection and interaction with the audience, meeting all the people who work so hard to create and give back to their communities by organising live events.
recording session
Greetings from the studio!
We have now finished the second and last of two weeks of recording in Studio Epidemin, Göteborg. November on the Swedish west coast is not the most welcoming when it comes to weather with heavy westerly winds from the cold atlantic and usually rain coming in sideways. But we did not feel any of that in the cosy studio together with our dear friend and co-producer Petter Eriksson. He is the mastermind behind some great bands that we love, like Kultiration, Daniel Lemma and more.
We have played around a lot recording our vocals to try to find the best way to transform our visions for the music into something concrete. Here you can hear the ending of a new song called Drömmen, the dream that Arvid finished writing lyrics for the same day we recorded it.
Spring is coming closer and we are hopefully seeing the light in the tunnel when it comes to the pandemic. It’s time to plan for next year and hopefully a year on the road again.
Greetings from the studio!
We have now finished the second and last of two weeks of recording in Studio Epidemin, Göteborg. November on the Swedish west coast is not the most welcoming when it comes to weather with heavy westerly winds from the cold atlantic and usually rain coming in sideways. But we did not feel any of that in the cosy studio together with our dear friend and co-producer Petter Eriksson. He is the mastermind behind some great bands that we love, like Kultiration, Daniel Lemma and more.
We have played around a lot recording our vocals to try to find the best way to transform our visions for the music into something concrete. Here you can hear the ending of a new song called Drömmen, the dream that Arvid finished writing lyrics for the same day we recorded it.
Spring is coming closer and we are hopefully seeing the light in the tunnel when it comes to the pandemic. It’s time to plan for next year and hopefully a year on the road again.