recording session
Greetings from the studio!
We have now finished the second and last of two weeks of recording in Studio Epidemin, Göteborg. November on the Swedish west coast is not the most welcoming when it comes to weather with heavy westerly winds from the cold atlantic and usually rain coming in sideways. But we did not feel any of that in the cosy studio together with our dear friend and co-producer Petter Eriksson. He is the mastermind behind some great bands that we love, like Kultiration, Daniel Lemma and more.
We have played around a lot recording our vocals to try to find the best way to transform our visions for the music into something concrete. Here you can hear the ending of a new song called Drömmen, the dream that Arvid finished writing lyrics for the same day we recorded it.
Spring is coming closer and we are hopefully seeing the light in the tunnel when it comes to the pandemic. It’s time to plan for next year and hopefully a year on the road again.